The Chlamydia trachomatis DNA Real-Time PCR kit coded CTDNA.CE is intended for the qualitative detection of Chlamydia trachomatis DNA in human urethral/cervical swabs and urine with a simultaneous control of the extraction/amplification reaction through an Internal Control (IC).
The kit has been adapted for the use on the Real-Time Thermacyclers and ABI 7500 Sequence Detection System® (Software SDS version 1.3.1, Applied Biosystems™*) or Miniopticon® (Software CFX manager version 1.6 , Biorad™**) or MX3000P (Software MxPro version 4.01, Stratagene™***). Importante note: The CTDNA.CE kit it is able to detect the Swedish C.trachomatis variant.